Community Event Request Form
You’ve talked to us about hosting an event and we’re almost ready to block the time off and make an event listing! This form is designed to help you plan and consider the details, as well as share that information with our staff. Please read each question carefully and let us know if you have any questions. Example listings can be viewed at the end of this page.
Example Event Titles and Descriptions:
Waystone Bits Exchange Day
Waystone is hosting its quarterly Bits Exchange Day! This is a chance to bring some of the sprues, bits, or kits that you have lying around and leave with something you’re excited to build or use in a kitbash!
How it Works:
Bring any miniatures, sprues, bits, or full kits that you’re interested in trading or selling, or just come and peruse! There will be limited space available for anyone to display a small collection of items, as well as tags where you can indicate whether you’re looking to trade, sell, or if you’re just offering items to a good home! Please plan to have an organized way to display your items (we want to avoid collections getting mixed up, or being spread across an entire table).
FLASH POINT: A Battletech Narrative Event
A ten-person narrative event for classic Battletech with awards and prizes!
-You will assemble a roster of Battlemechs to engage in three subsequent deployments, retaining all battle damage, ammo counts, and conditions between missions.
-This is a Mech Only event set during the Clan Invasion Era (Year 3061), and will refer exclusively to the BattleMech Manual. All event-specific rules, roster-building guidelines, and FAQs are contained in the player packet here.
-Throughout the day, each player will be asked to note their narrative highlights, and make nominations for Friendliest Player and Best Painted.
-Attendance is $30 per person; Waystone members receive a 20% discount and 48-hour priority registration.
Example Form:
First Name: Bobbi Last Name: Brown
Event Type: Hobby Workshop
Will people pay to attend this event? Yes
Event Title: Bark for Your Bits: how to add texture and depth to nature-inspired sculpts and bases
Event Description:
Interested in getting some more moss in your fir? Some more lichen in your pine? What about some pebbles in your stream, or a flower in your bush? Painting objects from the natural world presents a different challenge than how to get the optimum shine on a plate of armor or a tank engine. Even if you’ve never tried painting a tree or Sylvaneth, you might be interested in picking up a few techniques that will add visual interest and contrast to your bases for miniatures!
This will be a 2 hour workshop with all the materials provided to attendees! Beginners are welcome!
Attendance is $25 per person.
At the end of the event, any bases or models you’ve worked on will be yours to take home! Any questions about this event can be directed to me, Bobbi Brown @bobbibrown
Expected Event Length: 1-3 hours
Minimum number of attendees for a successful event: 7
Maximum number of attendees the event can accommodate: 12
Three possible dates for this event: 10/3, 10/10, 10/17
Event Materials and/or Player Packet(s):
12 tree sculpts
12 blank bases, 50mm
Selection of paints
24 paint brushes
Water cups/buckets
Basing materials with small cups
6 glue sticks
Paper towels
Mini vacuum (for dust and fallen moss/debris after the class)