To Have Our Cake And Eat It, Too
Chris’s Mercenaries and Haydn’s Lyran Guard clash during last month’s Battletech Narrative Event.
The basic concept behind Waystone has always been that it’s a space which puts people and a positive environment ahead of the imperative to move tons of retail product.
That being said, we’ve arrived at a bit of a “we want our cake and to eat it, too” approach, since a big benefit of being a member is that you can order Games Workshop products at a large discount and have them available for pickup during future games.
As time has passed, though, we’ve also seen more folks dipping their toes into non-Games Workshop systems like Battletech, Frostgrave, and Malifaux, as well as utilizing a much wider array of paints and hobby materials than only Games Workshop can provide.
New Order Opportunities
So, I’ve been working behind the scenes lately to see if we could ever expand the member discounts that we offer to cover a wider array of gaming products—and I’m happy to announce that I recently wrapped up establishing a trade account with the largest hobby games distributor in the United States (called Alliance).
This means that over the next few months we’ll be piloting a system that allows members to order just about anything hobby and game-related at a 15% discount.
Below are just a few of the companies and games that we know folks might be interested in (with links to their catalogues):
Being a member at Waystone should feel like an absolute dream when it comes to being a minis and games enthusiast. Being able to provide members with more value on things they’re already searching for elsewhere just seems like it a win-win. I’m hoping this will end up being a popular new feature of our club! More details below.
All the best,
How do I place an order?
Members will want to go to the same page that they typically place order requests from. You’ll find a revamped page that lets you select which sort of request you’d like to make (Games Workshop or Alliance), along with other helpful information. Because of the breadth of items that we’re now able to order, please help us by accurately describing the item you want us to get for you.
How long will it take for orders to arrive?
We’ll know more once we actually start placing orders, but we expect 3-5 weeks turnaround time for most orders. Ultimately, this will depend on how frequent we submit the club’s orders, which part of the country they ship from, and whether requested items are in stock.
Why are we only “piloting” this?
While everything about this new distributor seems awesome (and in many ways, easier than ordering from Games Workshop), working with a new company can often come with unforeseen surprises, so we want to give this a shot before committing to making it a permanent member perk. If it gets a lot of use and we find that the distributor is easy enough to work with, we’ll keep it around.
Is there a catalogue that members can look through in order to see what they can order through Waystone?
The order request page will have an attached list of manufacturers and publishers we can order items from, but because of the breadth of this distributor’s catalogue, there’s no comprehensive list of all the items and prices. As a rule of thumb, If it’s stocked at most game stores, we can probably order it! Furthermore, you can always ask us to confirm if we have access to a certain manufacturer’s products, then peruse their website’s catalogue. Your member price will always be 15% off of the manufacturer’s listed MSRP.
Is there anything we can’t order?
We can’t commit to making preorders for new items through Alliance at the moment. It’s recommended that if you really want to get your hands on an in-demand item, you do so through a retail store.
Trading Card Games
We love trading cards games, but we don’t want to even dip a pinky toe into the world of TCG retail, so we’ll ask that members still head over to their favorite local retailer for anything card-related.